Summary for Patch 797 (Verified)

Summary Error handling for pacct, support for sar version 9
Platform Unix
Category bugfix
Valid for, 6.0.x, 6.1.x
Requires 661
Server Required Patch/es
Supersedes 743
Superseded by 881 : Verified / Not hidden
810 : Verified / Not hidden
Affects Client: System Analyzer
Last Updated September 20, 2012

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pacct_to_psm is now allowed to complete processing of a pacct file that contains more faulty
records. Earlier, the process would be aborted after a certain number of such records. The error
checking can be turned on / off by setting a directive in /etc/opt/openit/openit.cfg:


If the directive is not present, the default behavior is as before, "on".

sar has been extended to handle version 9 of the sysstat package.

Supersedes Patch Description

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Patch 743 — Avoid use of ypcat (configurable)
Update on the module that converts UID to user name. Us of "ypcat" can be turned on or off by
setting in /etc/opt/openit/openit.cfg:

UID_YPCAT   (true|false)

The default is to use "ypcat".


Unpack tar file in e.g /tmp/patch on the Open iT host. Do the following as root:

	cd /tmp/patch

Corresponding Windows Patches

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