Summary for Patch 836 rev2 (Verified)

Summary Correct handling of accounts containing ':' char in PBS logs
Platform Unix
Category bugfix
Valid for, 6.0.x, 6.2.0.x
Requires 810
Server Required Patch/es
Superseded by 2058 : Verified / Not hidden
Affects Client: System Analyzer
Last Updated February 10, 2014

Download now

Download_red patch836-2.tar.gz


This patch added conversion of : to _ in account names found in the PBS log
files. Without this fix output data from pbsacct_to_psm ends up with too many
fields when : occurs in the account name.

After the patch is installed any existing but failed data can be reparied by running

  . /etc/opt/openit/openit.env

(from the patch directory). This will find discarded files under the "garbage"
directory and repair this. The next time pbs data collection is activated this
data should be transfered.




  stat cron

to identify the id for the `OpeniT::Client::_process_pbs_acct_data` job and a

  cron NUM
if you want to PBS data processed and sent to the server immediately.


Unpack tar file in e.g /tmp/patch on the Open iT host. Do the following as root:

	cd /tmp/patch

Corresponding Windows Patches

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